Recording: Data is Your Legacy Program’s Super Power


Event Info

A recording of the webinar held by national on March 29 'Data is Your Legacy Program’s Super Power'

A recording of Nationals Webinar: Data is Your Legacy Program’s Super Power

Cathy Mann, Fundraising LabAnne LeMesurier, Fundraising Lab

Promoting and marketing your legacy giving program is a delicate balance of emotion and psychology increasingly based on data that is emerging from new research. That’s not what this session is about, however. For those of us working primarily in small-to-medium sized fundraising shops, you need data to make the case internally: to secure the investment you need to start, maintain and grow a legacy giving program and to respond to the nay-sayers or doubters. THAT’s what this session is about. 

With over 30 years of introducing successful fundraising programs in small and medium sized shops, Cathy has experienced the challenges that sometimes come with engaging senior leadership who are not familiar with the benefits of fundraising and legacy giving. Paired with Anne’s data-informed approach to everything fundraising related, this session will provide you with tools to secure the investment that you need, to support your legacy giving plan on an ongoing basis and to use data to tell the stories you need to tell as you report on progress. The latter is especially needed in the delicate start-up phase of a legacy giving program. 

More detail on national webinar link HERE

Questions? Please reach out to Lori Scott at


30 March, 12:00pm to 30 March, 1:15pm


Online - Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia  Canada

