AB North February Lunch n' Learn Sponsored by Clarity Wealth Counsel


Event Info

A local replay of the Webinar Wednesday seminar with a AB North connections and conversations - Five Fallacies of Fundraising That Limit Authentic Relationships

Five Fallacies of Fundraising That Limit Authentic Relationships with Donors and Clients

 Tanya Hannah Rumble (she/her), Faculty of Arts, Toronto Metropolitan UniversityNicole McVan (they/them), United Way Greater Toronto

There are a number of harmful ‘best practices’ that we have been taught and continue to perpetuate in fundraising and philanthropy. They have been developed from collective learning in a colonial and capitalist…… system that oppresses entire communities and values wealth creation over equity, our natural world and safety for everyone.
These ‘best practices’ deepen inequity, create harm, and weaken our effectiveness and happiness in our roles. They hold us back from real and authentic connections with our donors and clients and hold us back from creating a relationship that invites the donor into the work in a meaningful way. They restrict our ability to make real and lasting change for our causes and to support our clients in creating the impact and legacy they wish to create with their resources. In this session we will unlearn these practices and re-imagine philanthropy that is based on an anti-oppression practice, centers our communities, and is more effective at engaging and inspiring our donors and clients. 
Fallacies of Fundraising
1. Wealth is built by the smartest and most capable people.
2. The donor is always right. 
3. Donor centricity should trump everything else. 
4. Beneficiaries are deficient and need a donor to save them.
5. Resources are scarce and we must fight each other for funding.
Learning Objectives
An opportunity to question your assumptions about the best practices in fundraising and philanthropy
Learn how donor centricity can damage relationships ,be ineffective in raising money and making lasting change for your cause
Explore new ways to fundraising that are built on equity and authentic relationships



24 February, 11:30pm to 24 February, 1:00pm


Online - Alberta North

Alberta  Canada


Phone: 780-991-1088
