Reciprocity through Planned Giving


Event Info


“In our culture, wealth was never determined by what you had, but by what you give to the community.”  - Ron Rice, Executive Director, Victoria Native Friendship Centre. 

Truth and Reconciliation is more present than ever in minds of donors and clients who are considering how they can create an impact through estate planning and legacy giving. There is also a growing body of knowledge around the practice of Indigenous philanthropy that is essential to understand as clients and donors look to their advisors for insights and expertise about the unique needs of Indigenous-led organizations and First Nations communities who receive gifts of land or other assets.

​​Join this session with Ron Rice, Executive Director of the Victoria Native Friendship Centre (and Island Health Board member), to hear about the organization’s work with well-known local artist and philanthropist Mrs. Marion Cumming, who has an inspiring history of making gifts of land over the last 30 years. Ron will share the story of how the centre collaborated with the donor and professional advisors to accept a planned gift of an Oak Bay residence to the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, as well as a Cowichan Station property gifted to the friendship centre in 2018. 

Attendees will come away from this session with a greater understanding of Indigenous philanthropy and the tremendous impact gifts of land and other assets can have.  You’ll also learn more about the inspiring work of the Victoria Native Friendship Centre and their success in meeting the housing and cultural needs of local Indigenous people through programs like the Siem Lelum Housing Project and through the everyday “gestures of hope” the Centre has provided to the community for the past 50 years.

Click here to download a PDF with the session description & speaker's bio 

Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Time: 12:00-1:00pm PT
Location: Virtual via Zoom

CAGP Members: $15
Non-member: $20 


8 March, 12:00pm to 8 March, 1:00pm


Online-Vancouver Island


Phone: 2504756700
