Legal challenges from a deceased donor's family member

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Legal challenges from a deceased donor's family member

with Roger Lee, Partner, Estate Litigation, DLA Piper

Your charity is left a gift in a donor's will. Unfortunately, a member of the deceased's family is challenging the will and you have just been served with a notice of civil claim. What do you do now? Roger will take you through the steps you can expect in such a file and how best to deal with the issues associated with such challenges. He will provide tips and tricks to minimize your charities' exposure to legal fees and other suggestions for negotiating strategies that you can use to maximize the chance of getting what the deceased intended your charity to receive.

This presentation has been approved by CFRE International for 1.5 CFRE Education Approval Credits. 

May 18th, 2017 7:30 AM   through   9:30 AM
837 W Hastings St, Terminal City Club
Vancouver, BC V6C 1B6
Phone: 604-331-4832
Member $ 40.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non-Member $ 56.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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