Planned Gifts, Persuasion and the Brain


Event Info

Speaker: Fraser Green,  Principal & Chief Strategist, Good Works

So, you know about estate planning and tax regulations. But, what do you know about what REALLY happens inside the donor’s mind as she’s making her bequest decisions?
Since the 1990’s neurology has transformed our understanding of human behavior and decision-making. And guess what? Your grocery store uses neurology to manage your in-store experience – and it’s time you applied it to your planned giving program.
For the past twenty years, Fraser Green has been obsessed with understanding what REALLY makes donors do the things they do. In this lively, hands-on session, you’ll learn how to connect more meaningfully and successfully with your donor where she really lives: deep inside her brain.

Important note: if you are a CAGP member or a Pass holder, please log in to see appropriate pricing options.



3 mars, 12:00pm


25 St Clair Avenue West
Toronto,  Ontario  M4V 1K6 Canada

