Nova Scotia Chapter: Professional Advisors: Door or Window?


Event Info

CAGP Nova Scotia is pleased to present a webinar viewing of Professional Advisors: Door or Window? Followed by a local discussion with your CAGP Nova Scotia colleagues hosted by Glenn Stewardson, CFP, The Donor Motivation Program.

The session will be hosted on Zoom.

This session counts for 2 CFRE Continuing Education Points.

Professional Advisors: Door or Window?

glenn_stewardson_photo.jpgPresenter: Glenn Stewardson, CFP, The Donor Motivation Program®

Charities are worried that a prospective donor’s financial advisor will shut the door on gift conversations. In truth, financial advisors provide a window into the donor’s motivations and the best way for the donor to make their gift. Assante advisor Glenn Stewardson will share how charity personnel can earn trust and work effectively with financial advisors by understanding their professional concerns and their role in protecting their client’s/donor's interests.

A local discussion hosted by Glenn Stewardson, CFP, The Donor Motivation Program will follow the webinar viewing.

COST: $15 CAGP Members and AFP Members | $20 Non-members. CAGP members are reminded to please log in to your account to see the member pricing option.

REGISTRATION POLICY: Online registration is required for all registrants.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Cancellations made up to 48-hours prior to the event will receive a full refund. Cancellations after this time (within 48 hours) will result in forfeiting of the registration fee paid.


25 février, 12:00pm to 25 février, 1:30pm


Online - Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia  Canada

