Legacy Chat at The LAFF


Event Info

CAGP Ottawa Chapter Legacy Chat Series 2023/2024

CAGP Ottawa Chapter is pleased to introduce a new series that will educate, inspire, and likely
make you a better legacy fundraiser. If you're ready to get back out there and connect with your fellow legacy fundraisers and are interested in Ottawa’s rich legacy, we have just what you've been waiting for. No speaker - this is a networking event.

The inaugural Legacy Chat will take place at a place that is older than the City of Ottawa, older than the Chateau Laurier, older than the original Parliament buildings, even predates Confederation and the founding of Canada.
The Chateau Lafayette, or The Laff as it is more affectionately known, has a long and storied history as the oldest tavern hotel in Ottawa. If you have never been, well this is your chance to hear about its colourful history over a drink while you swap legacy stories with your colleagues.
Cash Bar and complimentary snacks


** Seating is limited so save your spot by registering 



15 juin, 3:00pm to 15 juin, 5:00pm


52 York Street Ottawa
Ottawa,  Ontario  Canada


