Estate Administration & the Role of an Executor


Event Info

with Karen Brown, LLB, Director, Legacy & Estate Planning, St. Paul’s Foundation
and Geoff White, LLB, Clark Wilson

What should you look for when an estate gift is received by a charity? What is the role of an executor? Geoff and Karen will explore the estate gift both from the perspective of the executor and the charity. What do they need from each other, what are their expectations, and what are the common pitfalls of the estate & charitable beneficiary relationship through-out the course of an estate administration.

with Karen Brown, LLB, Director, Legacy & Estate Planning, St. Paul’s Foundation
and Geoff White, LLB, Clark Wilson

What should you look for when an estate gift is received by a charity? What is the role of an executor?
Geoff and Karen will explore the estate gift both from the perspective of the executor and the charity. What do they need from each other, what are their expectations, and what are the common pitfalls of the estate & charitable beneficiary relationship through-out the course of an estate administration.



15 février, 7:30am to 15 février, 9:30am


837 W Hastings St, Terminal City Club
Vancouver,  British Columbia  V6C 1B6 Canada

Téléphone: 604-331-4832
