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CAGP Members: Please be sure you are signed in before continuing with the registration in order to ensure you receive member pricing.

Cost for Individuals: CAGP Members: $35 / Non-members: $55 (Tax exempt)
Cost for Group Viewing for up to 10 team members: CAGP Members: $75 / Non-members: $130 (Tax exempt)

Chapters seeking to purchase this webinar for a Chapter Event, please contact National Office.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022 | 1:00 - 2:00 pm Eastern Time

brady_-_allen_photo.pngBroad Based Marketing for Gift Planning – A Partnered Webinar with the Canadian Marketing Association’s NFP Council

Presented by: Brady Hambleton, CM & Allen Davidov, MBA, CM - Canadian Marketing Association’s Not-For-Profit Council

As fundraisers, we are often called on to create direct and targeted marketing materials to support our organization’s planned giving programs through publications, estate planning supplements and other direct-to-donor channels. But as CAGP embarks on a more multi-channel, mass-media marketing campaign with Will Power, an understanding of the underlying strategy and tactics associated with broad-based marketing would be of great benefit to our community of gift planning professionals.

Join Brady Hambleton and Allen Davidov, both active members of the Canadian Marketing Association’s Not-For-Profit Council, for an approachable and informative walkthrough of today’s integrated strategies that should be a part of your organization’s planned giving marketing mix.    This session will benefit charitable gift planning and marketing teams, and will help to answer the following key questions:

  • What does today’s multi-channel marketing funnel look like for charities and not-for-profit organizations – and why does it matter?
  • How can we always ensure a connection between top of funnel investments in mass awareness drivers and results-driven outcomes – in this case – more legacy donors?
  • What role does data and insights play in the successful design and execution of an integrated marketing and fundraising campaign – and how can this help to transform your legacy pipeline?
February 23rd, 2022 1:00 PM   through   2:01 PM
Online - National
Phone: 888-430-9494  ext. 222
Prix membre - individuels $ 35.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Prix non-membre - individuels $ 55.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Prix membre - groupe $ 75.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Prix non-membre - groupe $ 130.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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