Le blogue de l’ACPDP

Devenez partenaire du sondage Burk sur les donateurs canadiens qui sera mené en 2019

L’ACPDP est heureuse d’annoncer qu’elle travaillera de concert avec Cygnus Applied Research, inc. pour la préparation de l’édition 2019 de The Burk Donor Survey qui, cette année, mettra spécialement l’accent sur la planification de dons au Canada !​Cygnus Applied Research, inc. pour la préparation de l’édition 2019 de The Burk Donor Survey qui, cette année, mettra spécialement l’accent sur la planification de dons au Canada !​ écrit par le bureau ACPDP

A new Gift Planning Designation for Advisors? Why this IS a big deal.

The partnership between the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and The Knowledge Bureau is a watershed moment for CAGP and a seminal moment for charitable gift planning in Canada. HERE’S WHY... by Brad Offman

CAGP's 25th National Conference on Strategy Philanthropy: A ‘First-timers’ Perspective

My very first official engagement with CAGP was at this year’s 25th National Conference on Strategy Philanthropy in Winnipeg. In a nutshell – I was both impressed, and relieved. Let me unpack that statement a little. 

The Red Lanyard Experience: CAGP Conference 2018

I have never been to a CAGP conference. In fact, until 2 years ago I had not idea what the acronym CAGP stood for. With just one CAGP conference, I have become a groupie and a donor. Let me tell you why: 

Behind the Scenes of a CAGP Conference

While my experience was different than most, I clearly recall my first CAGP Conference. Of course, it doesn’t date back 10-15+ years as with many who may be reading this; just five years, but what was unique for my experience was that my history with CAGP was just 8 days long, and I was now the leader of this organization. This was going to be my foreseeable future. 

Talking About Talking About Philanthropy - The Advisor/Client Conversation

  • Two-thirds of the wealth in Canada is self-made.
  • Others have inherited their wealth.
  • Entrepreneurship is the dominant source of self-made wealth.
  • By 2025, 2 million Canadians will retire; 1 million of them will be businessowners.
  • A $1 trillion transfer of wealth from one generation of Canadians to the next is expected over the next 20 years.

Planned Giving Summer School Series: Getting an A+ on your next Supporter Survey


Alright class, I know it is sunny out, but it is time to buckle down and go over how to sail through your next supporter survey with flying colours. Remember, there will be a test!

Let’s review some key elements of a great survey. 

Planned Giving Summer School Series: Be a summer school seditionist and raise millions

Let’s break the rules!

No new Gift Planning projects from me this summer…instead, I’m going to urge you to make a new best friend at summer school.

Your Annual Giving Colleague (AGC). 

Planned Giving Summer School Series: Houston, we have a problem

Ahhhhh, summer. A time of long days at the beach, cocktails with friends, and road trips without a destination.

Hold on. Full stop. How many of us actually spend our summer that way?

[Leah hears crickets]

