Registration is closed for this event
With a brand new look and feel, this is not your average AGM!
The Niagara Golden Horseshoe chapter is hosting its Annual General Meeting. With a brand new look and feel, this is not your average AGM!  
The evening will feature opening remarks from Ruth MacKenzie, CAGP president and CEO, the presentation of the inaugural Lorna Somers Legacy Giving Award for Excellence by the one and only, Lorna Somers, guest speakers, networking and more! 

More about Lorna Somers

lorna_somers_agm_pic.jpgWe are thrilled that Lorna Somers has lent her name to this prestigious award as her contributions to planned giving reach far and wide.  As an accomplished practitioner, in her 31st year at McMaster University, Lorna is recognized internationally as a teacher and facilitator in the fields of Philanthropy, Higher Education and Institutional Advancement speaking at educational, charitable and arts organizations throughout the world.
From the introduction of foundational programs like Annual and Planned Giving, and the establishment of Major and Principal Giving and Recognition and Stewardship, Lorna also leads strategic planning, case and vision development. Campaign Director for two university-wide comprehensive campaigns, she has also led targeted campaigns for the Museum of Art, Health Sciences, Endowment, Chairs and Scholarships and University Centre. Lorna works closely with academic leadership and is leading McMaster’s new Brighter World Research Initiative.
Lorna and Dr. Frank Minton have written the definitive Canadian fundraising text, Planned Giving for Canadians. She is the recipient of numerous international awards for excellence in teaching and leadership including Friends of CAGP and CASE’s Frank Ashmore Award for Leadership and Teaching and the John Lippincott Award for International Leadership.

This is an event you won't want to miss!
Registration begins at 5:30 pm
Meeting begins at 6:00 pm

Your ticket includes two cocktails and an hors d'oeuvres buffet.
June 20th, 2019 5:30 PM
27 Dundurn St N
The Staircase Theatre
Hamilton, ON L8R 3C9
Phone: 905-335-2291
Members - after June 13, 2019 $ 35.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non-members - after June 13, 2019 $ 40.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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