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How donors estate plans can include a charitable gift - Introducing the philanthropy toolkit. Discover the significant tools in a Financial Advisors Toolkit. How we use those tools in the most efficient and effective way, incorporating them into the overall estate plan to maximize the impact for the donors and their preferred charities.




Attend this session to;

*Expand your understanding of the important tools used by Financial Advisors who are Philanthropic Planners
*Experience the practical application with real-life examples of how these tools have been used effectively
* Increase your confidence level in talking to Financial Advisors who are working with your Donors and potential donors
* Enhance your understanding of these tools, the mechanics and application to better discuss them with your donors to expand their donation possibilities.


Owner and CEO at Making Dreams a Reality Financial Services and Athena Wealth Management, Betty-Anne Howard is a Certified Financial Planner, and specialist in charitable giving life insurance, as well as inheritance planning and leaving a legacy. She is a World Class Speaker Award winner and a passionate philanthropist. Betty-Anne’s novel approach to her work is built upon her education and experience in social work, in which understanding the unique goals and challenges of each client is paramount. By uncovering what she calls “the meaning behind the money”, Betty-Anne and her staff are able to tailor their expertise toward the realisation of clients’ dreams both now and in the future. 

Michael Caldwell has been assisting seniors and retirees achieve their retirement goals, reduce their income taxes, avoid estate taxes, manage their portfolios, and most importantly, protect their estate values for their loved ones and those causes that are deeply meaningful to them. 

In addition to his work, Michael and his family are all enthusiastically involved in their communities and supporting those charitable causes that are important to them. It’s in their DNA. Michael’s most recent involvement includes The Relay for Life, The Grand Theatre Foundation and Hearts for Change—a charity started by his daughter and son-in-law. 

He enjoys travel and spending time with his wife, Judy, their three married children and his five grandchildren.

Location: Perley Rideau – Lupton Hall


Parking is free of charge and parking passes will be supplied to attendees.


Tickets: CAGP members - $25; non-members - $35

Contact: Betty-Anne Howard – or Michael Caldwell

Important note: CAGP members, please log in to your CAGP account to see appropriate pricing

May 29th, 2019 7:15 AM   through   8:45 AM
Perley Rideau – Lupton Hall
1750 Russell Road
Ottawa, ON K1G 5Z6
CAGP Members $ 25.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non-Members $ 35.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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