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Join the Windsor Essex CAGP-ACPDP Chapter for a lunch and learn with nationally known speaker Paul Nazareth.

Want to incorporate planned giving into your fundraising program but don’t know how? Interested in talking to your clients about philanthropy but don’t know where to start?

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Guest speaker: Paul Nazareth, VP Education and Development, Canadian Association of Gift Planners

Paul Nazareth is a leader in Canada’s philanthropic sector with over 18 years’ experience. Currently the Vice President, Education & Development at the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, he was most recently Vice President at the charity CanadaHelps. Paul has been a philanthropic advisor with Scotia Wealth and spent over a decade with charities like the University of Toronto and the 230 Churches of the Catholic Church of Greater Toronto. Paul writes on philanthropy for a variety of publications as well as appearing on national television to speak about creating a personal legacy through charity.

Everyone welcome! Great information for lawyers, advisors, financial planners, executive directors, fundraisers, board members, not for profits and friends!


11:30 am
12:00 noon
12:30 pm

Presentation and Discussion 

(including lunch)

$40 for CAGP/AFP Members

$50 for non-members


November 26th, 2018 11:30 AM   through   12:30 PM
Windsor Club, 2072 Riverside Drive East
Windsor, ON N8Y 4S5
CAGP/AFP Members $ 40.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non-members $ 50.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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