Registration is closed for this event
Please join your colleagues in CAGP Saskatchewan South on October 20th for a FREE virtual round table discussion based on questions you have been wondering about, share your experiences, and build a network of like-minded individuals.

When: October 20th, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

The link to this online event will be emailed to registrants before the event

Some topics you might have questions about:

The Conversation

Estate administration

Legacy marketing material

Making legacy a priority

How to talk to leadership about legacy



Advisor Donor Relationships

Non-traditional gifts (i.e.) donor advised funds, real property


Some examples of questions you might have:

What sorts of tools are others using to expand their planned giving program? Suggestions on what worked well ?

What if my charity is not listed in the will, but the executors feel that our charity should receive the gift?

How do I transition from asking from an annual or major gift donor to a planned giving conversation?

Has anyone used Legacy marketing at non legacy events?

How do I build a portfolio of advisors to send donors to for advice? Should we be referring donors to a group of advisors for advice?


October 20th, 2021 12:00 PM   through   1:00 PM
Online - Saskatchewan South

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Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our page: Gift Planning - Your Questions Answered - Round Table Discussion

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