Registration is closed for this event
This session will discuss the solicitation of major gifts from individuals including gift planning approaches and techniques under one giving umbrella.

Integrated Giving - How to engage, inform and empower your donors about major and planned gifts to support your mission - today and into the future!

This session will discuss the solicitation of major gifts from individuals including gift planning approaches and techniques under one giving umbrella. A foundation for this work is the development of a donor centered approach with a unified fundraising team at your organization to solicit both current and future gifts. Additional topics to be covered include distinguishing between gifts of cash and assets, donor prospect research in this area and how to present this type of structured gift to individuals. The session will end with a perceptual snapshot exercise for attendees to apply the session to their own fundraising shop.  

Presented by Grant Monck 


Grant has over twenty years of experience as a board member, senior fundraiser and lawyer. Vancouver was where his fundraising career began, serving in leadership roles at several organizations including the Canadian Cancer Society, the University of British Columbia, Pearson World College and Ducks Unlimited Canada. Grant’s experience includes working on annual and capital campaigns, communications and government relations with a specific expertise in major gift fundraising and gift planning.

In 2014, Grant established a private consulting firm based in Vancouver providing services to clients in the areas of general charitable giving, major gift campaigns, gift planning, government relations and overall strategic planning. Grant is also a Senior Counsel for PGgrowth.

As a member of CAGP, Grant has held the positions of National Education Chair, Chair of the National Government Relations Committee and Chair of the Greater Vancouver Chapter. He was named a Friend of CAGP in 2016 for his advancement of strategic charitable giving on a national scale. 

CAGP Vancouver Chapter recognizes this is a difficult time for many non-profits and businesses. If your PD funds have been frozen, you are between roles, or face any kind of financial barriers in accessing professional development right now, you can apply for a bursary to access this session for free here:

Registration deadline is Tuesday January 19th.

(The session will open 15 minutes early, at 9:45, and stay open for 15 minutes, after the presentation, for those who would enjoy an opportunity to network and discuss the presentation.)



                                                     This event qualifies for 1 CFRE Credit 

January 21st, 2021 10:00 AM   through   7:00 PM
Online - Greater Vancouver
Vancouver, BC
Member ---
Members $ 10.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non-Members $ 20.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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